Sportsmen Scuttlebutt

October  2014

The night the lights went out ...





About 15 minutes before our October general membership meeting was due to start at 8 PM, PG&E pulled the plug to work on a leaking transformer (our main power). Apparently this was not something that could be put off since hot oil was running on the ground and in danger of catching fire.

Undaunted, the resourceful Sportsmen rounded up a bunch of emergency lights and the meeting proceeded (almost) unimpeded. Since there was no PA system, the audience had to be quiet and actually listen.

Power was partially restored in the wee-small hours.




July  2014

Keith and Kathie returned to the Battery Point Lighthouse in Crescent City July 1, 2014. They are the official lighthouse keepers for July. Keith runs the gift shop and Kathie gives the historical tours.

They are open from 10 am to 4pm, tides permitting, For 12 hours a day, it is an island so visitors cannot get on or off at high tide.

This is their third year to be lighthouse keepers and they love it!

(See Scuttlebutt for July 2011)

Photo by Tom Liddle







April  2014


Darlene Moore is repairing the "SAUSALITO" placard from the South Wheelhouse of the Ferry.

History: This is a locally manufactured sign, made after the beautiful original wood-carved
Sausalito ship's name placard was stolen in a brazen nighttime burglary in the early 90s
The placard on the North Wheelhouse is original Sausalito.

Viola! Looks Great

(The artifact between the A & L is actually a bird flying by)

Thanks to Bill Moore for the photos



